Skateboarding International Technical Course in Rome


Hosted by the Italian Roller Sports National Federation (FISR) in cooperation with the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), World Skate and the IOC Olympic Solidarity, this technical course - the first of its kind targeting women only in Skateboarding history - will further the IOC Gender Equality recommendations to contribute to make the rank and file membership of Skateboarding judges and coaches gender-diverse on the road to Tokyo 2020. Furthermore, various competition-related topics including rules, formats and strategy will be discussed in order to spread in-depth knowledge of Judging and Coaching best practices at the national and international level.

Under the guidance of World Skate experts with a proven track record of achievements and competency in judging, training, contest direction and team management, 12 female skaters will gather in Rome from 14 to 18 May to share their technical experience and know-how as well as future goals and expectations with fellow judges, team managers, and trainers of different origin and culture.

The project is also part of the New Leaders Sport Leadership Education Programme promoted by the IOC in collaboration with the EOC and the NOCs of Finland, Lithuania, Ireland and Azerbaijan, of which FISR is the only Italian National Federation being selected to foster IOC Gender Equality recommendations and technical leadership skills worldwide.