3 Giorni con la Luna


The Santa Maria Nuova Skating Sports Club is organising the "3 Giorni con la Luna" event. In the wake of the "6 Giorni Rotellistica" that took place in the years 2018 and 2019, each time achieving increasing success both in terms of sporting recognition and participation in the event, the intention of the club was to organise such an event also in the years 2020 and 2021. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing pandemic, they have been forced to revise these plans. Nevertheless, the club is preparing to organise a smaller, but no less important version of the 6-day event this year, called "3 Giorni con la Luna" (“3 Days with the Moon”). For all information visit the website: www.seigiornisantamarianuova.com in the "event program" section.