After detailled planning in the previous years the organization is now proud to announce that the K2 Cologne Skate Marathon will have a new finish area.
Lukas Wannagat (Köln Marathon-Team), last year's Cologne city champion, introduces the details for you: "From now on you will not finish in Deutz in the long curve or directly in front of the sad tunnel tube any longer, but you will cross the finish line celebrated duly at the city’s landmark – Cologne Cathedral!"
Also the course was refreshed and modified. The result is "less river skating" and "enjoying more city quarter atmosphere". We re-integrated vibrant districts such as the Severins quarter, Ehrenfeld and Nippes.
Please have a look at our new course here:
Other than in pre-2004 years the finish area is set on Komödienstraße with the silhouette of the UNESCO world cultural heritage site in the background. Also Lukas is very happy about this new finish area: "This new location will be very interesting for spectators and become an emotional experience for all inline skaters. The last kilometre through Cologne’s city centre will even upgrade the K2 Cologne Skate Marathon and make it more attractive."
According to Lukas the course will indeed lose a selective component with the Deutzer Brücke (bridge) in front of the finish, but will win a city centre portion with spectator popularity. The last curve may be a bit challenging, however, due to barriers and tarring at the pavement it will be easily skateable.
Lukas found these further modifications on the "five finger course" for you:
-The skate marathon course will be 100% congruent with the running marathon course.
-The curve along the Maritim Hotel directly after the Deutzer Brücke (bridge) will be eased in 2013 and prolongated to Filzengraben in order to make it easily skateable, particularly for recreational skaters.
-Due to the omission of the northern Rhine riverside section and the finish after the Deutzer Brücke a total of 10 downhills and uphills will be eliminated.
-One u-turn will be omitted and the remaining one in the northernmost course area will be easily overbearable from 2 lanes over a wide track bed to a 2-lane street.
-Directly after the Severinstorburg there will be a short, uncritical cobble stone passage. The cobble stone part in front of Cologne Cathedral and the finish curve will be tarred.
-All potentially critical course sections will secured with marshals and material and marked as usual.
Enjoy the local Cologne flair! It is always party time here and the masses of spectators cheer for you and "carry you into the finish"!
When using the group registration of at least 10 persons you get reduced the starting fees per person (see below). And when you are fast you may save money! Easter Sunday will be the next price shift!