World Skate has developed a new judging system for the Artistic competitions, RollArt, going into effect at January 2019 with the aim to make the movement level improving in all the 5 continents and to contribute to this sport widespread: clearest rules and scores together with itemized final sheets will make easier for the athletes and the coaches to understand which aspects of the technical and artistic preparation must be enhanced.
With few more international events in 2018, the RollArt testing interval is on its final phase: it has been tested also simoultaneously with old national systems, thanks to the support of the National Federations. During the last months, World Skate has been testing RollArt in many countries: in fact, it was the official judging system in the German Cup, Sedmak Trophy and Portugal Cup and has been used in parallel to the old systems in the National Championships in USA and Italy.
Looking forward to the World Roller Games in Barcelona 2019, all the Federations must change their approach as new training processes, innovated athletic preparations and different competition managements are required. But, in return for their efforts, RollArt will surely boost the level of the technical and artistic skills of the athletes in every country.
World Skate - Artistic Technical Commission - Chairman, Nicola Genchi: "I think we can call it a success: We conducted experiments in many events and, in addition, we held discussions and technical workshops all over the world to clarify doubts and technical details. We saw the excitement growing since we started testing and the results were showing the new philosophy the system supports. RollArt will be a powerful tool in the development of our sport as will provide clear feedbacks to athletes and coaches at the end of the performance. And it will make the competitions more understandable also for the audience."
On November 2018 the Artistic Skating World Cup - Show Groups and Precision will be the next test in Pesaro for the Precision competitions.