
RollArt Calculator app launched in Lisbon


We are proud to announce that RollArt app has been launched and is now avaialble on both Apple and Android markets.

The app allows you to enter technical elements and artistic components using an intuitive touch screen interface to build up an electronic representation of a skating program. As each element is added, the app will sum up the underlying values and display the program's score as it would be under the RollArt judging system. In addition to this, it will provide guidance on what a program must contain based on the 2020 World Skate rules, age, gender and program segment. Each individual element is also evaluated for compliance with further advice given on excessive elements, illegal elements and missing elements.

In short, the RollArt Calculator is a must-have tool for any skater or coach wishing to build the very best RollArt compliant program for the 2020 season. 

Click HERE for a short presentation that provide you with more info about the app.